During 2014, ACES established cooperation with the German development agency GIZ. GIZ program “Development of sustainable bionergy market in Serbia“ is a biteral program between the Republic of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Germany. The program deals with the perspectives and challanges in the development of Serbian market bioenergy. The program provides support to Serbian and German investors in the development and implementation og various types of innovative bioenergy projects (eg. bioenergy heating systems in public and private facilities, biogas plants, plants for the production of thermal energy for industrial or technological needs).

In collaboration with ACES, GIZ has organized a workshop on economic analysis and design of heating systems to wood and CHP systems for enineers and planners in the field of thermal energy and renewable energy over a period  October 27 – 30 , 2014 in hotel M Best Westernin Belgrade.

The four – day workshop was organized by Renewable Academy AG (RENAC), Berlin/Germany (

The workshop aims to additional training for Serbian engineers and planners in the field of economic evaluation and assessment of technological requirements bioenergy projects, and further training relating to the assesment and analysis of cost-effective feasibility study for bioenergy projects.

Workshop participants were given a certificate of attendance / RENAC certificate thet meets the ISO 9001:2008 standards. 


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