EFCA (European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations)

About EFCA

EFCA (European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations) is the sole association representing professional engineering consultancy and related services in Europe, which employs one million staff, the majority of whom are highly skilled in a breadth of disciplines. EFCA represent FIDIC in Europe and brings together 28 national consulting engineering associations from various European countries.

EFCA aims to support the EU institutions as an expert knowledge broker, assist member associations in achieving common European goals, communicate the views of engineering consultants externally to the European institutions & lending agencies and internally to the national member associations, establish alliances/partnerships with other interest groupings.


The goals of this organization are creating positive impact on European Union legislation in order to increase competitiveness and promotion of transparent public procurement procedures, as well as implementation of EC standards in member countries.


EFCA mission is to promote the European consulting industry in Europe and internationally and to represent it to European institutions.



ACES applied for EFCA membership at the beginning of 2010 and was officially approved by the EFCA Board of Directors in May 2010. Membership of ACES, our national association of consulting engineers in EFCA enables Serbian companies to establish connections through ACES with European experts within this sector of economy, and allows the transfer of knowledge and opportunities for business cooperation.

Fore more about EFCA, please visit www.efcanet.org.