ACES, as a permanent member of the International FIDIC, its main goal is to represent the interests of FIDIC in the Republic of Serbia.

What is PRO list?

ACES, as a permanent member of the International FIDIC, its main goal is to represent the interests of FIDIC in the Republic of Serbia.

In recent years, since its founding in 2009 until today, ACES recognized a problem in the proper use of recommendations and principles stipulated releases FIDIC 1999 contract models, especially in Clause 20, which refers to CLAIMS, DISPUTES and ARBITRATION. Namely, although a large number of contracts based on the FIDIC 1999 models have been implemented or are currently being implemented in the mentioned period, no request for the establishment of a Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) has been recorded, despite its engagement being strongly recommended within the FIDIC 1999 contract models.
After the promotion of the new series of FIDIC contracting models at the conference in London in December 2018, which bears the label FIDIC Suite 2017, as well as the FIDIC “Golden Principles” – a new term DAAB (DAAB – Dispute Avoidance / Adjudication Board) was established. Among other changes, the most important change in relation to the engagement of the Dispute Resolution Board under the FIDIC 1999 Edition is that according to the new FIDIC 2019 Edition for the “Red and Yellow” book there is no possibility to use these contract models if no contract has been established with DAAB, on the basis of “Permanent DAAB.” Within FIDIC 2017, engagement under the “Ad Hoc” system of DAAB is not envisaged.

By establishing a National PRO list, users of the FIDIC contract model will have the opportunity to choose recommended members to work in DAB from the list, as provided by the FIDIC 1999 contract model or as provided by the FIDIC 2017 contract model in compliance with the “FIDIC Golden Principles “.

Please find attached a table with the candidates who are enrolled on the National PRO List of experts.

In order to cover wider range of service provision Board of Directors ACES has decided that, in addition to the list of recommended Adjudicators that will be selected for DAB or DAAB – the Committee for resolution of disputes includes additional categories of professionals dealing with compensation claims and consultations in various fields.


National PRO List of Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia identifies the following categories of experts:

In accordance with this division there are three types of PRO list:

The Commission meets twice a year – in March and September, and applications for admission to the PRO list are collected and evaluated in months in between.


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