ACES onFIDIC Annual Conference in Barcelona and the celebration of 100 Years of FIDIC

Year 2013 is very significant in the history of FIDIC, since it celebrates 100 years of existence. In preparation for the celebration of the 100th  anniversary of FIDIC and EFCA actively involved and the Spanish National Association as host of the celebration, the general assembly and annual conference. Assembly and conference were held in Barcelona from 15-18. September 2013. The theme of the conference was The quality of life – our responsibility, pointing out the important role of consulting engineers to improve the general quality of life in the 21st century, which marked the growing challenges and require timely, creative and sustainable solutions.

This unique world collection of consulting engineers, representatives of national associations and other experts from all regions and around the world (100 countries) on this occasion brought together more than 1000 leaders in engineering, consulting and financial sector in order to exchange experiences and established contacts in order of potential cooperation. Topics of interest for this meeting were climate change, sustainable infrastructure, energy efficiency, urbanization, the issues of water supply and waste disposal, as well as ways of financing project of critical importance.

ACES members participated at this event. On that occasion received the support of recommend List consultants and other current activities in promoting FIDIC in Serbia and the region.


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