Prezentacija: ,,Predlog koncepta reforme postupaka izdavanja građevinskih dozvola“

In the Media Center on June 27, 2013 there was a presentation on the topic “The proposal concepts of reform procedures for issuing building permits”. In his introductory speech, attendees were addressed by Velimir Ilić, Minister of Construction and Urban Planning in the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Mr. Michael Kirby, US Ambassador in Serbia.

A presentation on the topic ,, The proposal concept of reform procedures for issuing construction permits ” held Miloš Živković, a consultant to USAID BEP Project, and then a panel discussion attended by Miodrag Jocić, State Secretary, Ministry of Construction and Urban Development; Zoran Livaja, SOKO group; Dragana Čukić, ACES (Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia) and Žaklina Gligorijević, Urban Institute, Belgrade. Dragana Čukić on behalf of ACES, pointed out the results of the association stated in the draft of amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction. On this occasion she stressed the importance of appropriate amendments to the Law in order to simplify procedures for issuing building permits, implementation of international standards and attracting new investments.

Concept Proposal reform the permitting process is based on:

·         Insistence on the adoption of planning documents stipulated by law, with various plans the content that goes beyond urban settings,

·         Adjustment of the degree of control of different levels of complexity and risk of specific projects,

·         To minimize contacts between investors and public bodies and transfer multiple administrative authorities and utility companies at a competent institution through the introduction of ,,one window system”

·         The transfer of technical tasks and processes with administrative authorities and utility companies to licensed engineers who will need to have professional liability insurance,

·         Strict liability of public bodies to meet the statutory deadlines, and

·         Use of information technology to provide transparency and control activities in the public sector, as well as to facilitate communication between investors and administration.


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