FIDIC’s first ever international online conference: Engineering a post-Covid future: the challenges for global infrastructure

Gain access and engage with industry professionals at potentially the industry’s biggest two-day international online conference on September 11 and 14 .

The Covid-19 crisis has challenged the world like never before, with no business sector unaffected. As we emerge into a post-Covid future, it is clear that infrastructure investment will play a crucial role in the recovery of global and national economies. However, our world has changed and future demands will be different when planning sustainable building and public infrastructure. Will capacity demand change and what will be the impact on funding and planning? How will stakeholders in the industry cooperate in the ‘new normal’? Will we see new forms of alliances between public and private sectors and how will projects and contracts be structured in a post-Covid environment?

This online conference hosted by FIDIC provides an interactive stage where leaders and experts in the industry can come together to identify and address these key questions, provide a forum for discussion and debate and offer perspectives for a way forward to enable the industry to continue to thrive in the months and years ahead.

Registration dati is until September 11th.

For more information and Registration forms click HERE 


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