Osnivanje EFCA Green Deal komiteta

U nastavku možete pročitati više o novoj EFCA inicijativi i osnivanju novog komiteta/radne grupe u okviru EFCA koja će se baviti temom “Green Deal” u okviru preporuka Evropske Komisije.

Svoj doprinos možete dati popunjavanjem upitnika iz priloga.

Popunjen upitik možete poslati do 28.juna 2020. na email adresu info@aces.rs.


In 2013, considering sustainable development as a major issue for the consulting engineering industry, their clients and society, the boards of EFCA and FIDIC decided to join their efforts in a common committee called “Sustainable Development Committee” (SDC) focusing on 5 pillars:

  •             1. Tools
  •            2. Training
  •            3. Communication
  •           4. Monitoring and lobbying
  •           5. Good practices

The SDC was involved in many publications, among which several position papers. The SDC delivered valuable input for numerous conferences, among which at UN Climate Change Conference side events. The SDC has observer status or is an active member in several Technical Committees related to new international standards on sustainable development. Good examples are the ISO/TC 268 standard for Sustainable Cities and Communities and the CEN/TC 350 standard for sustainable construction. Because of this, EFCA and FIDIC gained international recognition and influence. Good practices were exchanged especially at the 2019 annual EFCA conference in Copenhagen, where sustainability was the leading theme.

Recently Jean Félix, the SDC front man and driving force, has decided to stop as SDC chairman. His departure coincides with the ambitious Green Deal by the EU and major sustainability developments in the countries of the member organisations. Because of this, the EFCA SDC is investigating what its future path should be. The EFCA SDC is contemplating a shift in focus:

  • More focus on Europe, and less on the world as a whole. This means also less involvement of the EFCA SDC with FIDIC.
  • More focus on what is directly important for the businesses of your members and thus their clients regarding sustainability. Because of this, the involvement of the EFCA SDC in Technical Committees and sustainability standards will have to be re-evaluated.

For the focus on business seems most relevant:

  • Top down: the EU Green Deal will become very important for sustainability policies and developments in the whole EU. This will come with new constraints as well as new opportunities. It could be very relevant for member organizations if the EFCA SDC would be able to advise them about the implications of the Green Deal, but also lobby with EU organisations regarding sustainability topics on relevant sustainability topics.
  • Bottom up: a lot is happening regarding sustainability (policies, developments, innovations, etc.) in all countries of the EFCA member organizations. There is much to learn from each other and thus where member organisations can help each other regarding tools, training, communication and good practices.

It is not to be expected, that the EFCA SDC can take up the whole range of sustainability topics at the same time. Here focus is also necessary, related to which sustainability theme’s, aspects and which (client) sector(s) related to this, are most relevant for EFCA member organisations and their member companies. Included is a questionnaire to help the EFCA SDC with this focus and for setting up its new course of action. This course of action might include connecting member organisations with similar interests, a digital newsletter, setting up a new (bi-)annual competition for the most sustainable engineering projects and initiatives in the EU, etc.

In order to get the Terms of Reference of this new Green Deal committee (as a substitute to the former SDC) as accurate as possible, your input is greatly needed and appreciated. If possible we would like the response on the questionnaire below before 30 June 2020.

EFCA are eager to establish this new committee sometime in September 2020 based on the expectations by our MAs. Therefore it would be highly appreciated if you could already nominate (potential) candidates for this new committee.

With kindest regards,

Jan Van der Putten

Secretary General EFCA

On behalf of the EFCA Sustainable Development/Green Deal Committee, and the EFCA board.


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