Sa zadovoljstvom vam predstavljamo treće EFCA godišnje izdanje Future trends in the Consulting Engineers Industry.

ACES, kao punopravna članica EFCA-e, dobio je ekskluzivno pravo da vam  omogući direktan pristup ovom dokumentu.

U pripremi brošure učestvovali su Kevin Rudden, Maurizio Boi i Nikola Matić, uz veliku podršku  Maximillan Grauvogl-aChirstophe Castaing-a i Jan Van der Putten-a.

Ovo su dosadašnje teme EFCA Future trends Publikacija:

„The 2018 Future Trends booklet looked at new “disruptive” technologies and revolutionary processes, and identified potential exponential models of evolution in the consulting engineering sector.
The 2019 edition focused on innovative, anticipatory strategies in new management models and how to make decisions by analysing data and information using these powerful new tools together with cognitive collaboration.
The 2020 booklet looks into the right mix of practical aspects and applications in these innovations within our specific field. It looks at the right combinations of technologies and techniques to adopt with various clients in different markets, taking into account the size of the company.“

Pogledajte najnoviju 2020. publikaciju.


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