YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Competition 2012 is open for aplying

European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Association (EFCA) announces the invitation for participation in Young Professionals Competition 2012, whose goal is to highlight the talent of Europe’s next generation of leaders and to demonstrate the diversity and attractiveness of a career in the engineering consultancy sector. The right to participate in this competition, which is constantly progressing in terms of quality and number of participants, have all professionals working for firms in the membership of the national association ACES. After the selection of nominees, maximum five participants will be elected and they will have the opportunity to present themselves at the annual conference and celebration of the EFCA’s twentieth anniversary that will be held in Lisbon on May 24 and 25 2012.

The winner prize is the invitation for participation in the annual EFCA conference and YP meeting at EFCA’s cost including travel and accommodation expenses. The second and third prize winners will be awarded a support of 500€, to be used for participation in the event. The jury will also select a number of candidates to receive an honorable mention.

The award ceremony will take place at the General Assembly of EFCA and the EFCA’s President will hand over the prize.

Conditions of nomination

  1. Age limit:35 years
  2. Having the ambition to become a leader or owner in your professional career
  3. Having already made an interesting contribution to at least one project:
    • In your field of expertise, e.g. novel design and/or
    • As a professional (manager), e.g. development of an environmental, innovative, sustainable, energy or cost-solving solution.

How to enter

Informations required for every candidate:

  1. CV, including date of birth and nationality
  2. Contact details ( at least e-mail address and telephone)
  3. Information on a project that exemplifies the candidate, including:

-Description of its innovative characteristics (2 pages max)

– His/her specific contribution to it (1 page max)

– Supporting documents, which may include photos or drawings or publications (5 pages max), translated in English

– Details of the project’s end-results & benefits to the client

An appreciation of the candidate’s contribution by the client or his/her firm will be taken into account.
All materials are requested to be submitted in English or accompanied by a translation in English.

Theseinformations should be submitted in electronic format (PDF or Word document) to national association ACES by Monday 12 March 2012.


The jury, composed of EFCA’s Board of Directors will base its decision on the following criteria:

– The candidate’s achievements to date, e.g. business status (relative to age), awards, education

– The degree of innovation exhibited by the candidate in the project presented, and

– The quality of the presentation.

Excess material will be negatively evaluated, as will documents in languages other than English.

In their evaluation, the judges will pay special attention to elements of sustainability, innovation and communication.


The EFCA jury’s decision will be announced by 31 March 2012. 

Good luck!


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