The cooperation of the Association, the USAID Competitiveness Project and Colliers International organized the first LEED ® Green Associate Exam Prep course in Serbia in November / December 2009.
LEED ® accreditation is the foremost certification for the qualification of professionals in the field of green building. LEED ® exam for Green associates is the first level of LEED ® professional system certification especially designed for the non-technical professionals.
The course consisted of six lectures in 6 weeks on the following topics:
• Understanding the concept of Green building and Institute.
• Analysis of the life cycle, integrated approach
• Costs and benefits
• Introduction to LEED, GBCI, LEED evaluation system
• Sustainable sites: transportation, site selection, design, storm water drainage, etc..
• Efficient use of water: internal, external and technical water.
• Energy and atmosphere: demand, efficacy, refrigerants, renewable energy, current energy efficiency.
• The materials, raw materials and sources: waste management, impacts on the life cycle.
• Indoor environmental quality: indoor air quality, temperature, lighting and acoustics.
• Innovative approaches.
LEED courses next cycle is scheduled for summer 2010. Year