The Fourth Meeting of ACES General Assembly, February 28th, 2011

At the fourth session of the Assembly of Association, report on the work of the Association for year 2010 and report on the financial operations of the Association for 2010  was adopted. Work plan and budget for 2011 were presented and unanimously adopted.

New members of Board of Directors of Association were also elected and unanimously adopted. New Board members are: Nikola Matić (VMS), Branislav Simović (Mace), Predrag Subotić (Siemens), Ljiljana Rosić (Energoprojekt), Dragana Čukić (Delta Invest).

General Assembly concluded ACES membership status as at February 28th.  General Assembly unanimously voted and confirmed Decision of Board of Directors to cancel YU Build Membership in ACES, due to violation of Code of Ethics and due to serious endangering the financial position of ACES.

Two other regular memberships and one associated membership were canceled, based on annual fees not being paid. SPZ Centroprojekt, S.E.E.C and Iluminato Design (associated) lost their membership status.

Andrea Šehić, ACES Executive Director, handed Appreciation Award to USAID Competitiveness Project (USAID representative – Goran Kovačević), and thanked the Project for continued support to ACES and consulting engineering sector.


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