Davos, 5th  Octobar 2011—The world conference of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) opens in Davos on 3rd October under the theme “Local Resources – Global Perspectives.”  From then until Wednesday 5th October, 600 of the world’s leading engineers from 75 countries will be discussing today’s leading issues, such as finding solutions to climate change, sustainable infrastructure, energy efficiency, urbanisation, water and waste issues, and new forms of risk sharing, including public-private partnerships.

Representatives of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia (ACES), as the Serbian branch of FIDIC, actively participated in discussions at the meeting, and especially in the working groups of FIDIC. With colleagues from around the world they have made recommendations to improve the competitiveness of local firms in international markets, end especially worked on the promotion of export of engineering consultancy services of leading Serbian companies which are ACES members.

JeffFrench, new- elected FIDICPresident, said: “I am extremely satisfied withthe development ofSerbianAssociationof Consulting Engineers-FIDICnationalassociationsin Serbia, and I willadvocatetoexpandour cooperation, and with this goal,FIDICwill providestrong support forthe Associationin promotingstandardizedFIDICmodel of contractsfor construction projectsin Serbia.”

Nikola Matic, President of the Association ofConsulting Engineers of Serbia, said that the support ofFIDIC, as asoleorganizationof consulting engineersin the world, isofimmenseimportance for thedevelopment of the Associationandthe Associationis planninga series ofactivities so thatthe most modernstandardsin the sectorof engineering andconsulting serviceswould be fullyavailableand enforceablein Serbia.” FIDIC, ascreator ofinternationalmodel of contractsfor construction projects,is ourmain partneron the path tohighercompetitiveness of Serbiancompanies in theengineeringand consultingdomestic and foreign markets,” said Matic.

Withthe aim of exchangingexperiencesand improving business environment,bilateralworking visits have been agreed withassociations inTurkey, Slovenia, Austria and Germany.With theScandinavian countriesisgenerallyagreed that theACEShoststheir regionalconference in Belgrade.The aimof thismeetingis to exchangeexperiences andharmonizeinternational andEUstandardsandprocedures, as well as identifyinginvestment opportunities inSerbia andjoint participation inprojectsin the region.

Is the engineering consultancy sector in a position to play a major role in the 21 century was one of the main issues of the World Summit of Consulting Engineers in Davos. In subsequent years, this sector will face a dramatic reduction in the number of engineers. The population of working people in Europe will be reduced by 8% by 2030. Year, and by 2050 Europe will have to deal with the fact that the four working-age and active citizens, will be serving 6 of those who are below or above the age of the working age population. In addition, the projects are become more complex and therefore require a new model of contracts and ways of doing business, as well as improved communication skills and project management. The competition at the international level is growing; the need for innovation is growing as never before, while the clients due to difficult economic conditions are focusing on the selection of projects based on the lowest offered price.

“Never before in human history has the role of the consulting engineer been so important,” states FIDIC President Gregs Thomopulos. “With expanding globalisation, the need to transport people and goods continues to increase, energy demands are growing to match higher standards of living, and we are facing never before seen environmental and demographic challenges.”

The consulting engineer: a driver of sustainable economic development

High quality drinking water.  Safe, accessible transportation.  Renewable energy sources.  Better infrastructure to cope with natural disasters. These are just a few examples of how consulting engineers help shape society every day. “Current issues require a global vision,” states Enrico Vink, Managing Director of FIDIC, “with no single country able to meet these challenges on its own. The available expertise to offer better solutions needs to be harnessed across international borders”, he added.  “This requires closer collaboration and knowledge sharing, so that global solutions can be applied at the local level.” He said that Serbia has potential, and that one of the more recent plans in his mandate as director will be FIDIC visit to the Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia and member firms of the Association with the aim of strengthening cooperation between the two organizations.


About FIDIC:

The International Federation of Consulting Engineers was founded in Switzerland in 1913.  It now represents 87 national associations and the majority of consulting engineering firms around the world and a total of 1.5 million engineers. For more information about FIDIC visit:

About ACES:

Association ofConsulting Engineers of Serbia-ACESwas foundedin 2009, and is a full member ofthe International Federationof Consulting EngineersFIDICandthe European Association ofConsulting Engineers ofEFCA. It brings together46leading companiesand organizationsin engineering- consultingand relatedsectorsin Serbia.
For more information aboutACES:


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