Presentation of the GreenBase at the Fair of Civil Engineering

As part of the Building Trade Fair, on April 15, 2011 in the hall of the Belgrade Fair from 3 p.m., there will be a presentation about the unique new website that offers a simple solution for architects, engineers, builders, contractors and owners and building operators to locate environmentally friendly green building products.

The Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia (ACES) manages the GreenBase database that was developed with support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID). ACES GreenBase Working Group on Green Building is applying the criteria that have developed by BuildingGreen, LLC in the United States, a leading provider of basic information, products and practical advice on the green building movement. ACES and USAID want to make available data on this type of building materials to interested experts to the concrete application of the principles of green building in Serbia. ACES, in cooperation with USAID Serbia Competitiveness Project, seeks to contribute to capacity building necessary for the production and development of green building in Serbia and supports Serbian producers to enter the market of green building, both on the local and international level.

Green or sustainable building creates objects that are environmentally suitable and resources are used efficiently. Directories and databases on green building products are important tools in development of green building construction and will affect:

·         the introduction of the specification of materials in green building project plans;

·         raising awareness of manufacturers about the benefits of development and promotion of green products;

·         provide information on the availability and benefits of the use of green building investors and those involved in the development of these products;

·         raising public awareness of the principles of green building and the availability of green products, in order to increase demand for these products.

Green buildings are constructed of materials that reduce impact on the environment at the lowest possible level and thus create a healthy living space for its residents and the environment. For this reason, creating a simple and comprehensive electronic catalog of products for green building in Serbia represents a key step towards improving the environmental performance of buildings.

Green Base will be completely online service, available through a link on ACES web site, or directly at the following addresses and


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