IFC Training for Alternative Dispute Resolution

The cooperation of Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), held the first round of training on the alternative settlement of disputes subject by 10-14. February 2010.  At the Balkan Hotel in Belgrade.

Today, in addition to resolving disputes in courts of competent jurisdiction, there is growing interest of related parties to resolve the dispute peacefully  with help of one or more intermediaries-mediators, who help the parties reach the agreement.

Basic training for mediators consisted of 5 days of active lectures, video display and participation of all students in a very thought-out practical exercises / workshops.

The training covered topics:

  •  Principles of Mediation
  • Communication skills
  •  Elements of successful communication
  •  Delays in communication / conflict phases
  •  Approach to conflict, the determination of appropriate / inappropriate style
  •  Alternative techniques of conflict resolution / dispute resolution: Types of techniques and their characteristics
  •  The agreement reached in mediation
  •  Steps to mediate the conflict
  •  The role of mediator.

After organizing basic training for mediators, IFC has provided to the successful students  of basic training, advanced training, which was implemented in April 2010. year.


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