Future trends in the Consulting engineering industry (Edition May 2019)

We are pleased to present you the second EFCA annual release of Future trends in the Consulting Engineers Industry presented at this year’s EFCA Conference in Dublin.

ACES, as a full member of EFCA, has been granted the exclusive right to give you direct access to this document.

Kevin Rudden, Maurizio Boi and Nikola Matic participated in the preparation of the brochure, with the support of Maximillan Grauvogl, Chirstophe Castaing, Jan Van der Putten and Eleonore Smargiassi.

The main theme of the brochure are the new trends that shape the architectural, engineering and construction industry.

See the Booklet.


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ACES Regional Conference „Future Trends in the Construction Industry“ in Belgrade, 10-11 October, 2024


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