FIDIC International Training – Module 2, 05-06. June 2014

International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), national FIDIC association in Serbia – Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia (ACES) and MACE Company and are organizing the international two-day training “Management of Claims and the Resolution of Disputes under the FIDIC Contracts, Module 2” which will be held from June 5 – 6, 2014*, in Belgrade, Serbia.

Training is conducted by one of the experienced FIDIC internationals tutors, Mr. Bogdan Oprea, CEng BSc DEA who prepared a large number of professionals worldwide.

The training course provides the necessary knowledge for professionals as government ministries and agencies, private sector employers, consulting engineers, contractors, quantity surveyors, architects, legal advisers and all involved with the implementation and management of works contracts. This training has crucial importance for those who participate in preparation or implementation of infrastructural projects financed from foreign sources (World Bank, EIB, EAR, EBRD)

Please find attached training detailed information sheet as well as training registration form.

Looking forward to your participation in the training and should you need any further information in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us.

*Notice: This is the only international Module 2 planned for this year. If you are interested in this topic, now is the time to register for it!


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