FIDIC Advanced Training + Workshop: FIDIC Comparison of 1999/2017 Contracts

FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) and ACES (Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia – the National FIDIC Association in Serbia) are inviting you to a brand new event: FIDIC Advanced Training + Workshop: FIDIC COMPARISON OF 1999/2017 CONTRACTS that will bi held from 13-14 June 2019 in Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade. 

It has been 18 years since the last release of the FIDIC Rainbow Suite. After many years of interaction with industry, the consulting profession and affected stakeholders, FIDIC formally announced the release of the new 2017 versions of the RED, YELLOW and SILVER Books.

Compared to the 1999 editions which are still in use, certain changes have been made to the 2017 editions, adding to the already complex construction contract documents.

The upcoming 1-day Advanced Training and 1-day Workshop will give you a high value insight in the major updates in New Editions.

Training is conducted by one of the experienced FIDIC internationals tutors, Mr. Zoltan Zahonyi, M.Sc in Civil Engineeringwho has extensive experience with FIDIC Contracts, Contracts that are becoming the international contractual language of the 21st century.

All detailed information you can find in Invitation Letter attached bellow.

Please send a completed application form to e-mail:  not latter than 10.06.2019

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