FIDIC 2010 Annual Conference and General Assembly, New Delhi, 18-22 September 2010

Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia had responded to the invitation to attend the FIDIC Annual Conference, which took place on September 18-22, 2010 in New Delhi, India. The theme of this year’s world conference was “Managing Innovation – The Way Forward”.

FIDIC 2010 Annual Conference explored a variety of innovative ways of growth in the consulting engineering industry. This conference applied the lessons of the FIDIC 2009 London Conference to explore many aspects of innovation, including the political changes, businesses that consulting engineers operate and services they provide, and how best to achieve high quality, sustainable projects.

The conference theme “Managing Innovation – The Way Forward” was extremely significant – since India is an example of the industry which has been an innovative emerging economy. International best practices, the core objective of FIDIC, can be best demonstrated through innovative achievements.

This activity enabled ACES to learn about best practices, strengthen the existing and make new contacts with consulting engineering professionals. Also, it allowed ACES to create closer relationships with other associations throughout the world, and build up strategic partnerships.

ACES Executive Director Andrea Sehic had a notable presentation during the Directors’ & Secretaries’ Meeting on September 18, 2010. She highlighted challenges and goals of a new member association, and gave an overview of ACES’ achieved and planned activities


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