ACES roundtable: “Changes urged for procurement policy and regulation to better support global quality”

ACES roundtable: “Changes urged for procurement policy and regulation to better support global quality” will be held on Thursday 7 July 2011. from 15 to 17h in the main hall of”Siemens” in New Belgrade, Omladinskih brigada 21.


Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia, as a member of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers FIDIC and the European Association of Consulting Engineers of EFCA,participated in the preparation of proposals for improving public procurement regulations in Europeand are suggesting the Serbian authorities to consider the EFCA proposal, with the aim of the announced amendments to the Law on Public procurement lead to higher quality construction services to taxpayers.

Report from ACES round table and EFCA’s recommendations on this subject can be downloaded via the following links:


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