ACES on FIDIC International Infrastructure Conference in Dubai

Organised by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) and by the Society of Engineers – UAE (SOE)

The International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) brings engineering associations and professionals together from all around the world. This year its International Conference is being held from 13 to 15 September 2015 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). The FIDIC 2015 Conference will connect the leading global players and partners in the infrastructure and industrial sector to explore innovative sustainable solutions and business opportunities.

At the FIDIC 2015 International Infrastructure Conference in Dubai, key issues impacting consulting firms will be examined extensively.  CEOs and other industry leaders, their clients, and funders of infrastructure, will share their vision for the future of the consulting industry. The latest business trends (the impact of mergers and acquisitions) will be explored, and discussions will be held on how to improve the ways in which business is undertaken (financial performance indicators). Delegates will learn from their experiences as seen through the results of global benchmarking programs.

Professional and technical people are essential to the consulting industry. The dynamics of marshalling these resources when and where they are needed, in the face of a global skills shortage, will also be a focus of this special conference, as will the imperatives for integrity to better manage reputational risk.

The United Arab Emirates presents an ideal location to demonstrate how a clear strategy, combined with financial innovation and good professional advice, can lead to effective solutions.  The FIDIC 2015 Conference will also offer the opportunity to explore the business opportunities in the buoyant Gulf Area.


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