ACES on FIDIC Annual Conference in Seoul

In order to further affirmation of ACES, as a National Assotiation of Consulting Engineers, of particular concern was that their representatives participated in the ACES FIDIC Annual General Meeting and Conference. Assembly and Conference were held in Seoul from 8-12. September, 2012. ACES members participated at this event.

This world collection of consulting engineers, representatives of national assotiations and other experts from all regions and parts of the world (60 countries) this year brought together more than 800 leaders in the engineering consulting sector to exchange the experience and establish synergies in the field of cooperation and the creation of more demanding solutions dictated by general and rapid development trend of the 21st century. Sustainable development and construction, renewable energy environmentally friendy materials were seen as the dominant direction in the future investments in the development of infrastructure and simulate global development. Contact with the leading international experts in this field for ACES is the best way to promote domestic engineering/construction sector and the willingness of our member companies to cooperate and expand operations.

ACES certainly continues to attract attention to its work and its very well accepted by the FIDIC, as well as others national assotiations. This year’s Conference was marked by the following achievements of ACES:

ACES Executive Director Andrea Šehic was elected as an active member of the FIDIC f the (DNS Directors and Secretaries) Steering Committee. With other 8 active members (directors of eminent national associations around the world – Australia, United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Canada, USA, South Africa and the Netherlands) and two observers, Ms. Šehic will contribute to the development of better communication and cooperation between national associations and FIDIC headquarters in Geneva, which aims to raise the quality of services and support FIDIC and the national associations, and therefore the specific promotion of ACES the position in this Committee of the World Association of FIDIC.

The resulting open support and commitment of the highest officials of FIDIC for the further development of ACES, as FIDIC national associations in Serbia. ACES has intensified talks with FIDIC on the topic of continuing capacity-building as ACES, and engineering consultancy market in Serbia, new models of affirmation and promotion of FIDIC standards and copyright protection when it comes to licensed FIDIC editions. Active communication and cooperation with the Director of FIDIC, and his close associates are closer to current plans and challenges ACES FIDIC headquarters in Geneva, which pro-actively and effectively participate in further strengthening and building the credibility of ACES.

The above mentioned results are of great importance for the prospects of ACES at all levels – from national, through the European, to the world / international. They also serve as a confirmation of the dedicated work of ACES and commitment to the internationalization of the domestic engineering consultancy sector in terms of constant challenges, such as the general economic crisis in the country and the world, but also the crisis of the construction sector in Serbia. A trend of increasing exports of engineering services abroad due to unfavorable business conditions in Serbia, which our member firms have shown a willingness to conquer new markets and fight in different conditions. In doing so, they certainly helps knowledge of international standards and FIDIC membership of ACES in FIDIC as a national association, which clearly indicates the indispensable need further development and support the affirmation of ACES and FIDIC goals in Serbia. Only through a strong and competitive private sector and progressive company we can expect further prosperity for what ACES its activities fully committed.


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