This year’s REBEC event will be held from 17-19​​. June at the Hilton Hotel Belgrade.


This year REBEC slogan „UNITED DIFFERENCES“ was also the slogan related to REBEC 2013 and REBEC 2015. This same slogan was not accidentally chosen again for 2019 event. Serbia is becoming the leader in the Western Balkans market, as well as in the countries of Southeast Europe. The visible differences in the markets of now independent countries, formed in the territories of ex-Yugoslavia, do not exclude the possibility that these markets represent one unity. Similarities obviously can connect and harmonize differences.

These differences, which we will individually and jointly identify and comment on REBEC 2019, while perceiving a possible market unity, make an additional force that attracts and generates more and more investments.

Serbia holds a central geographical position in the Danube River basin. On its water way to the Black Sea, when compared to the other countries of the basin, the Danube runs through Serbia in the greatest number of kilometres. Also, something that is called ‘the Balkans’, with its former meaning that carries historical connotations, is more often being called a part of the region of Southeast Europe in its wider sense. In this region, Serbia is positioned in the east, when it comes to the Western Balkans, while, when it comes to the wider region of Southeast Europe, it is in the west.

Therefore, because of its central position, Serbia represents the ideal location for uniting and reconciliation of regional and market differences.

These, more than obvious, facts, additionally influenced the choice the topics of REBEC 2019 program and the overall content.

Serbia has started the process of EU accession and more bravely arranges its legal framework and adoption of generally accepted norms, to make the administration more effective, and Serbia as a country, more functional and more attractive investment-wise. As such, Serbia leads the economic and every other development in the neighbouring and wider area.

Therefore, the topics chosen for the 2019 event are important, placed in a timely manner and of more than sufficient quality to provide all present participants and visitors of REBEC 2019 to meet all their expected business interests.

The announcements of implementation of the grandiose projects further support the fact that in the region, especially in recent years, Serbia is the most attractive investment market.

Beginning of the implementation of the impressive project “Belgrade Waterfront” is only one in the series of the projects that will be implemented in Serbia.

The development of Serbian real estate market passed a significant milestone last year. This year, during REBEC 2019 we will most certainly see the positive results that followed this milestone.

More details can be found on here.


REBEC 2019 is the place where you will have a chance to meet:

leading foreign and local urban planners
• eminent designers, architects and construction experts
• famous developers in the country and abroad
• the representatives of notable law firms
• the representatives of leading banks
• recognized experts from local construction companies
• distinguished investment consultants
• the representatives of the local governments and Mayors of Serbian cities
• officials and the representatives of the current state of administration in charge of real estate development
• recognized experts in the field of tax consulting in the real estate area, as well as other experts from all related fields that encircle the operations of the real estate sector.


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Primajte obaveštenja o obukama, radionicama i trendovima u gradjevinarstvu.