ACES Invites you to REBEC 2014!

This year’s REBEC event will be held from 23-25​​ June  at the Business Center “Ušće”.

REBEC stands for Real Estate Belgrade Exhibition& Conference. This year the program envisaged activities  will be held on the XVIII floor(conference room of Wolf Theiss with the program dedicated to PPP), XIX floor (conference room of SEEOFFICES-with the program dedicated to the real estate topics) and XXV floor ie. on the top floor of the Business Center “Ušće”, where we will organize and hold fair/exhibition part of REBEC event.

XXV floor is the best standpoint for seeing the “New Perspectives”, which is this year’s REBEC slogan.

The topics that we have prepared to present are all the current issues in Serbia and the region. In addition to the already standard topics related to the development of office and shopping projects, the inevitable topics will be dedicated to the development of logistics and investments in general.

I would especially like to highlight the theme, dedicated to the solutions of bad bank placements.

This year for the first time, REBEC will among others, offer four topics / panels with representative speakers from the region and the markets of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia.

Primarily, we would like to point out the panel on regional cooperation with the companies engaged in the real estate development in these markets, the panel dedicated to tax issues in the region and Serbia, the topics related to the similarity and diversity of legislation in these four markets, and finally, the panel dedicated to the topics related to the assessment standards in the markets in the region.

More details can be found on REBEC website, especially on the program page:


For the members of ACES Association we approve the discount of 10% on the registration fee, until 19 June 2014.

If you decide to be this year’s visitors of REBEC event, and ensure yourself a discount, please contact us via  , , so that we can afterwards send you our instructions to provide you the above mentioned discount.

We are looking forward to seeing you at REBEC 2014!


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