ACES – host of the European conference in Palace of Serbia

Belgrade, March 02nd 2012 – To Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia ACES , as FIDIC and EFCA member,  was given the honor to organize annual Directors and  Secretaries meeting in Belgrade on March 2nd 2012 in Palace of Serbia. All European leaders in civil engineering sector gathered in this meeting to exchange their experiences with trends in civil engineering sector in their own countries and to discuss about development of current public policies and plans for further   improvement of business climate in European civil engineering sector.

Chair of the meeting and ACES Executive Director Andrea Sehic pointed out the difficult situation that Serbian companies are dealing with because of the unfavorable procedures arising from the mismatch of the relevant laws and domestic legal framework with international FIDIC standards, but also talked about the competitiveness of Serbian companies in foreign markets, and their growing interest in the export of engineering services due to an exceptional experience and knowledge of FIDIC License of Agreement that are applied  worldwide and are considered as the preferred type of contract for major construction projects funded by the World Bank, EBRD, EIB and other international financial institutions.

Considering the importance that EFCA, as a renowned European organization, and FIDIC as the most eminent international organization which regulates standards in the construction sector, as well as the opportunities to affirm the potential of Serbian engineering consultancy sector,have  ACES organized a special meeting “Potential of Serbian engineering consultancy sector, opportunities for collaboration and improvement. “Meeting participants were Italo Goyzueta, FIDIC manager, Jan Van der Putten, EFCA general secretary, Paul Oortwijn, board member and president of the Dutch EFCA Association, Mr. Nikola Matic, president of ACES, Dragana Cukic,  member of ACES Board of Directors,  Andrea Šehić, executive director of ACES, as well as local officials: Jasminka Pavlovic, Head of Department for the construction of the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, Stefan Lazarevic, Adviser at the Ministry of Finance, Katarina Momcilovic-Matic, Adviser for export in  Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency(SIEPA), and Bojan Tadic, Advisor in Belgrade Land Development Public Agency.

“This meeting was a great opportunity to establish and strengthen cooperation through the European integration process and successfully applied  case studies and an invaluable experience that FIDIC and EFCA can offer” said Mr. Nikola Matic president of ACES Board of Directors. “We are very happy because Serbian public sector  and officials showed willingness and eagerness to cooperate and improve business climate in civil engineering sector in Serbia and ACES as Serbian national association will provide full support for harmonization of Serbian standards“ added Matic


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