ACES at the celebration marking Nordic Day

On the occasion of marking the Nordic day, on 4 June 2014 in Crowne Plaza Hotel in Belgrade there was a joint celebration of Finland, Sweden, Norway and Ireland. At the reception held in honor of national day, Nordic cooperation and the Nordic investment in Serbia, the attendees were addressed by ambassadors of the Nordic countries in Serbia: Mr Michael Borg-Hansen, Ambassador of Denmark; Mr Pekka Orpana, Ambassador of Finland; Mr Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson, Ambassador of Ireland; Mr Nils Ragnar Kamsvåg, Ambassador of Norway; Mr Christer Asp, Ambassador of Sweden.

Economically, the Nordic countries have much in common. They are all small, open economies in which foreign trade has great economic significance. Their modern industrialised economies are among the most competitive in the world.

Private companies are a keystone in the Nordic economy and the Nordic companies have a global recognition of being competitive by incorporating innovation, reliability, transparency and social responsibility in their businesses. In Serbia, there are currently over 115 Nordic companies operating, while around 300 are present through distributors and agents. Exports of the Nordic countries to Serbia in 2013 amounted to 411 MUSD, while imports from Serbia into the Nordic countries amounted to 134 MUSD.


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