ACES and Serbian Chamber of Engineers: Promotional lectures on FIDIC Model Contracts

ACES continued cooperation with Serbian Chamber of Engineers in the field of promotion of the FIDIC model contracts. For the purposes of the members of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers, in 2013 organized the 3 promotional lectures – in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš.

First IKS-ACES FIDIC lecture was held on October 9, 2013 in Belgrade in the Serbian Chamber of Engineers. After Belgrade, ACES held a promotional intraductory lecture about FIDIC for the members of SCOE in Novi Sad on November 22, 2013 and December 23, 2013 in Niš.

ACES and SCOE continue to cooperate on this and other topics that are of importance for each membership.


Možda će Vas i ovo zanimati

ABET presentation by Dr. Michael Milligan (CEO of ABET) for professors and students of the Technical Faculties of the University of Belgrade

ACES Regional Conference „Future Trends in the Construction Industry“ in Belgrade, 10-11 October, 2024

INTERNATIONAL FIDIC MODULE 2, December 2022 Belgrade


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