ACES 3rd Anniversary Cocktail Reception

ACES 3rd  Anniversary Cocktail Reception was held on 20th September at Comunale restaurant. We have celebrated 3 years of Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia’s accomplishments and successful cooperation with local and international partners.

ACES Founding Assembly meeting had been held in 2008, followed by the official ACES establishment and registration as a professional and nonprofit association.

Today, ACES is the national FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) and EFCA(European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations) association in Serbia, with the aim to promote the role and importance of FIDIC standards, strengthen consulting engineering sector capacity, enhance competitiveness and affirm competitive advantages of its member-companies in the local and international markets.

Attendees were addressed by the ACES Board of Directors and Executive Director with brief overview of ACES results, presentation of new editions of FIDIC books, licensed international and local FIDIC trainings and other exciting upcoming activities.

ACES Board of Directors awarded Certificate of Appreciation to main business partners: USAID Serbia Competitiveness Project, IFC, SIEPA, NALED.

Mr. Milos Svarc was appointed as honorable member of ACES.


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