ACES supports students – International Conference „BUILDING OUR CONNECTIONS“

It is our pleasure to support International Association of Civil Engineering Students IACES and their international conference ”Building Our Connections” scheduled to take place between 8-13 March 2017 in Belgrade.

”Building Our Connections”, an international conference of students and graduate civil engineers, with the main goal of strengthening the Balkan region in the world of construction.

The idea is to link and re-activate LCs from Balkan, since we had lovely cooperation with them in the past. Conference will be attended by participants from the East part of the Europe, in order to introduce IACES family to inactive LCs and motivate them to join our work. In 4-days programme, we will focus on presenting main goals of IACES and its advantages, as well as educational activities.

The academic program is consisted of lectures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, technical trip, case study and social activities. Additionally, beside scientific program, the aim of the conference is to introduce foreign colleagues with construction environment in Serbia, as well as with our customs and culture in Belgrade, Serbia.

ACES provided 6 FIDIC Red Books – Conditions of Contract for Construction, for the winners of Case Study Competition.

Here you can find all additional information about the event.


Možda će Vas i ovo zanimati

Potpisan Memorandum o razumevanju između Naučno-tehnološkog parka Novi Sad i Udruženja inženjera konsultanata Srbije

ACES-GRF obuka ,,Komunikacija na građevinskim projektima” 25-26. februar

International Training: FIDIC Contract Management and Administration Course, 12-13 February